IEEE PES/IAS joint SBC, IIT Mandi in Association with WiE group organized an Introductory program on "Women in Power - WiP" on 15th January. It was delivered by Dr. Ruomei Li, Chair WIP PES and Ms. Staji Wilson, Sub regional representative, WIP PES chapters of India.
IEEE PES/IAS joint SBC, IIT Mandi in association
with IEEE PES/IAS joint chapter IEEE Delhi section
organized a technical lecture on "Why DO we need
Cybersecurity in the power grid?"" by Dr. Vivek
Kumar Singh, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Iowa State University.
Speaker: Dr. Vivek kumar
Singh, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa
State University.
IEEE Student branch, IIT Mandi in
association with IEEE PES/IAS joint SBC, IIT
Mandi and IEEE Students and Young (S&Y)
Professionals, Delhi section,organized a
professional lecture cosponsored by IEEE Students on
the topic “Mentoring Focussed to Goal
setting”. This event focused on the
mentoring talk picking from highly successful
Indians like Google CEO etc and then gradually
moving to Goal Setting-why and how, also adding the
gist of “The Secret”, global best seller on
being Ultra Positive.
Speaker:Mr. Ravindra Joshi,
Chief Safety and Quality Manager, TATA power
Delhi distribution limited
IEEE Student branch in association with
IEEE Students and Young Professionals Group delhi
section organized a professional mentoring session
on Time management by Dr. Ranjan Kumar
Behera, Associate Professor, IIT Patna on 11th
February. This event was cosponsored by IEEE
Speaker:Dr. Rnjan